Jeremy Russial

I was born and raised in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, home of Yuengling Beer, John O’Hara, and good (but not for the environment) old-fashioned coal.
How I came from the quietude of rural PA and ended up an actor navigating the streets of New York City sometimes astonishes me. But truth be told, my interest in acting was sparked very early in my the ripe age of 4...when I first watched the movie Jaws (I know, I'm not sure what my parents were thinking either).
From Robert Shaw’s haunting account of the USS Indianapolis, to Richard Dreyfuss’ energetic quips, to the sheer adventure of the shark hunt!...the movie utterly captivated me. I would act out scenes with my two younger brothers, even prop my mattress against the bed at an angle and pretend to slide down the slippery boards of the ship into the mouth of the shark...
I ultimately went on to study Theatre at Muhlenberg College and have since had the pleasure of studying and performing theatre and film with established veterans of the industry. I look forward to collaborating with others.